Any Old Code, Any Old Code, Any Any Any Old Code. 33 years expertise in the software business; algorithmic trading, biotech, ERP. MSc in Software Engineering from Oxford. Databases are my passion.

33 years…

33 years is a long time in any industry, but in IT, it’s pretty much multi-generational. I started out writing football management games on the Spectrum 48k in the late 80s, took a job at 16 in 1992 on Wyse 220 terminals coding against IBM mainframes in Informix 4gl and C. Then into Perl, then Visual Basic, then C#, then C++, then Python, then Rust, all with database backends from Informix to DB2 to Sql Server to Oracle to Postgres to Mongo. Now it’s all containerisation and cloud. It’s been a journey.

I started in the rag trade, moved into investment banking with BarCap, Lehmans, Nomura and UBS at the very beginning of automated statistical trading, then into ERP and BioTech. I’ve been around.

Databases are my passion. I’ve been involved with them since I left school; Informix, Ingress, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres. Most people spend time working out how to effectively use their data via Python. Most people don’t understand the power of databases. I can help with that.

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Oxford, England.